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Solving EV charging problems

Episode 032 -

63 minutes

Cars are transitioning rapidly from fossil fuels to being battery powered. In this rapidly growing market, UX has the power to differentiate products and accelerate adoption. Equally, bad design has the power to put people off switching to a greener alternative.

In this episode Andrew interviews Wolfgang Bremer, Head of Design at Elli - an EV charging brand that's part of the Volkswagen Group.

Other things we talk about:

  • David picking a new toilet
  • A doctor's surgery sending an unfortunate "Merry Christmas" text message

Links mentioned:

The Unusable podcast is presented by Andrew Waite & David Ball, who discuss the importance of user experience (UX) in technology & the world around us, & talk about great design that just works - or moan about it when it doesn't.

Music is by Gold5472